Jovan Medianto Riman

Face of Jovan Riman

Jovan Riman

Thesis Student

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Hey everyone!

My name is Jovan Medianto Riman and I've finished writing my Bachelor's Thesis with the title "Overcoming Latency Challenges of Tangible Interactions on MacOS" under the supervision of Sebastian Hueber and Adrian Wagner


Tangibles are physical objects that enable users to interact with digital contents. They provide haptic feedback and provides users with new ways to interact with a device. To allow tangible interactions in macOS, MultiTouchKit (MTK) was developed \fullcite{linden2015a}. However, this framework has poor performance in its touch processing, causing a huge amount of latency. This leads to poor experience with tangible interactions using this framework.

This bachelor's thesis aims to optimize latency in MTK to improve tangible interaction in macOS. We optimized the latency by modifying the way MTK receives touch input by receiving them via USB and how traces are visualized in the MTK. Our results shows an average latency of 94.97 ms with no trace visualization and 102.23 ms with the new trace visualization. Furthermore, our results also shows that the newly modified trace visualization had less latency compared to the old trace visualization.